Song of Echoes
As the cast of Song of Echoes approaches 200, it seemed like a good idea to add a glossary. Okay, I admit I really didn't want to, but a reader suggest the series really needed one (thanks, Amanda!)
PLEASE NOTE - this glossary is for the 4th book, Crown of Sorrows, and will
contain spoilers for the first 3 books in the series.
PLEASE NOTE - this glossary is for the 4th book, Crown of Sorrows, and will
contain spoilers for the first 3 books in the series.
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Abernost Aldorman Amanach Amanspring Amayans Amman Amroth Amrul Amyndra Amyra Andryn Angorlith Angorsil Aralak Aralak Gorge Arawold Archon Archon's Tower Archonholm Archonian Guard Archonian Knights Arijan Armanoor Ashala Bardon Barrson Behemora Benmuir Lake Blunden Bog Grim Bonnar Borrund Breck Brock Broon Brundell Bryok Bulstrow (Ox) Caermund Caerwal Gate Caerwal Pass Caerwal Mountains Cafra Calerdorn Calern Mountains Calestri Caranach Casteldor Castellan Caster Celestra Cobtroll Corvraak Cubric Cymori Darrow Darrowyche Demelia Dohl Dorek Dorlan Dorlgoth Dorlwood Dormarl (Uldrak) Dorn Dornan Mountains Dornan Pass Draedalak Draegelan Draegelan Trench Draegnor Draego Drakelow (Marshal) Dravic Drayloks Drondel Droog Drunsberg Durran Wood Edwald Eldamouth Eleni Elessyn Sea Elmarand Elodi Elorsil Elorym Elrik Elsaya (Uleva) Elwold Emryst Eryn Evil One Faerl Farrand Fidric Findale Findale Lake Finromir First Horse Flint Foranfae Forest Galabrant Galafan River Galan Hills Galant Garamond Gildorul Glambul Golesh Gormadon Plain Gorgonach Gorgonach Gap Great Elda Grebb Greendell Gregor Gundrul Gwelayn Gwend Gwend Bay Hadrin Hadrul Hallows Night Hamar Harlyn Harruld Holm Hope Horace Hornrasp Huckle Idraman Igrayne Imaari Ingollo Inverdorn Bay Jacken Janae Jedrul Jehenum Jerrum Jorim Kalamir Karajan Sea Karrock Keld Kernlow Kernlow's Tower Kernrim Keshwing Kinderach Kirik Kirol Kolossos Kolossos Crown Kolossos Pass Kragan (General) Kruul Leaflaps Lena Lightning Lind River Lindell Lindmar Little Folk Lord Kernlow Lorek Loromar Lumreek Marsh Lugnach Lunn Madraal Malendra Marafan Marrick Mawl Bay Mawl Bay Bridge Mawlgrim Mire Meloni Menon Bridge Menon River Midnight Midwyche Miram Moonbeam Moran Mordram Mosholuk Muldrin Mund Mundrake Isle Nander Ned Neeve Neverdor Noor Nordleng Nordruuk Nordryn Norgog North Forest Nym Nyomae Odrun Omstrad Orlo Ormoroth Ormsk Orstrad Palace Guard Perdew Perran Perran Hills Piplo Plains of Evermore Porek Rand Ravern Hills Reapers Rhydor River Kel River Mawl River Tam River Wend Rockworm Roold Roth's Doom Ruan Ruuk Saphrir Sea Mist Searith Seldric Seran River Seransea Shamuul Shelan Shepra Shokresh Shreek Shroul Singing Stones Starwings South Forest Sylvena Syris Talaghir Talamaris Tallabar Tamarand Tamforth Telamir Tempest The Lost Realms Three Maidens Tombold Torm Toryn Tunduska's Gorge Ul-dalak Uldrak Uleva Uluriel Umnavarek Verse of Unmaking Vice-Archon Vinlayn Vordrak Vorkirik Vortimo Vymarl Vynmar Waldryn Warlock Warrior Watchers Wend Gap Wendel West Haven Wyke Wyke Wood |
Imaari from before Draegelan's day who believed he had found a hidden message within the Maidens' Song.
Seat of Learning in the ward of Holm named after the hermit, Aber. Captain of the Knights of Calerdorn. Killed at the Battle of Roth's Doom. Set by the Elorym to counter Ormoroth's Angorlith. Also known as Singing Stones. The river deep beneath the Kolossos Mountains. The source of power for the Amanach. Elorym warriors formed to protect the Amanach. Also known as the Sisters of the Stones The northern ward of Galabrant. Town in Darrow on the banks of the River Tam. Archonian Guard based at the East Watchtower of the Kolossos Pass. Captain of Lunn loyal to Bardon, the true Lord Broon. Accompanied Elodi and fought at Roth's Doom. Amayan warrior captured and killed by Vordraak in the tunnels beneath the Kolososs. Farmer of Midwyche and adoptive father of Toryn. The iron pillar formed by Ormoroth to corrupt the power of the land. Housed in the vaults of Vorkirik. Shards of the Angorlith wielded by warlocks and Ul-dalak commanders. Large, vicious creatures spawned from spiders by Ormoroth. The guarded, fenced valley where Draegelan isolated the aralaks. Guard on duty at the Lower Gate of the Caerwal Pass when Lord Harlyn entered the pass on the night he died. The name for the leader of the Seven, then later, the Five Realms. See Draegelan, Malendra, Hadrul, and Mordram. Tall tower of stone at the Caerwal Gate. Commissioned by the Archon under Uluriel's influence to convince the realms to allocate all their resources in the south to leave the north open to the Ruuk. The tower collapsed following the confrontation between Nyomae, Toryn, and Uluriel. The principal city of the Five Realms at the head of the Caerwal Pass. Foot soldiers of the Archon. Guards take an oath for twenty years service in exchange for a promise of a farm in the Plains of Evermore if they die in battle. The heavy mounted cavalry of the Archon. An Amayan warrior in the same band of sisters as Eryn and Calestri. Accompanied Toryn through the Foranfae. Captured at Vortimo but escaped when Toryn's company arrived. The First Realm. Farthest south with wide fertile plains. Once one of the richest of the Seven. The last surviving corvraak. Lived for over a thousand years and saw battle serving Ormoroth. Carried Nyomae to Archonholm, wishing to atone for her deeds and receive the Maidens' Love. The 44th Lord of Broon. Led the doomed Elites to sail to the Lost Realms. Survived to aid Elodi at Roth's Doom and eventually retake his seat at Keld. Treasurer in Archonholm. Set the task to find funds for the Archon's ambitious plans. Mythical whale-like creature of the Elessyn Sea separated from her mate when the world changed. Lake in the southwest of Darrow. Believed to be the sight of the fallen Elorym tower of Cyloris. Captain of the Celestra that died in the storm that beset Elodi's journey to Calerdorn. Creatures said to live beneath Mawlgrim Mire. Believed to be a distant relation to cobtrolls. Retired Archonian Guard and friend of Hamar. Lives in the Vale of Caran in the shadow of Caranach. Seat of Lord Ormsk. Town built entirely of wood on the banks of the Borr River. It is said it can be dismantled and moved inland if the seas rise. Town on the coast of Lunn, and home of Ruan, captain of the Broon Spearmen. Common name in Darrow for a badger. The last region to be assumed into the Seven Realms. Consists of two wards; Lunn and Ormsk. Chief Engineer in Archonholm. Responsible for designing and building the city's weapons. Oldest son of Tombold. Served at the Caerwal Gate and later commanded a company of Archonians in Lunn and assisted Elodi on her escape from Shokresh. Captain in the Archonian Guard in command at Drunsberg. Killed defending the mines against Uldrak and Ruuk invaders. Ship building port on the Mund coast. Isolated for many years when sea creatures washed up on its shores when the Archon altered the sea. Bardon's Elite force set sail from the port. The large gate sealing the Caerwal Pass. Stands at 400 feet, made from stone slabs held in place by iron girders. Constructed in the early days of the Seven Realms to open the way between Talamaris in the south and Farrand in the north. Later sealed by the Caerwal Gate following the tragedy at Gormadon. Tall mountain range separated the first two realms from the north. Believed to have been raised by the gods, an ancient power resides in its stone. A town in the south of Emrsyt. Known for its farming markets. Capital city of Harlyn. Built in the days of Draegelan using stone excavated from the Trench. Mountain range south of Calerdorn forming part fof the city's defense. An Amayan warrior in the same band of sisters as Eryn and Arijan. Suffered for many years following an encounter with a shreek. Tallest mountain of the Kolossos Mountains on the west side of the Kolossos Pass. Legends tell it was raised to seal the vault imprisoning the Evil One. Castle built in the early days of Hadrul's rule as Archon. Situated in the Ravern Hills in Mund. The man in charge of the day-to-day running of the Citadel in Archonholm. His real name is not known. Possessed by a kruul, he died in a confrontation with Elodi. Fortified port on the west coast of Gwelayn. A galleon from the days before the Age of Shadows maintained by the shipwrights of West Haven. Survived a terrible storm to take Elodi to Calerdorn. Later carried supplies along the west coast to support Dorn, Noor and Darrow during the Ruuk occupation. Small creatures living beneath the Kolossos. Believed to have descended from larger trolls, they mainly stay out of sight with no loyalty to the Realms or Ul-dalak. Do not tolerate trespassers in the mountains. A large flying beast spawned by Ormoroth from the raven. They once dominated the skies and were a threat to Draegelan and his forces. Eventually wiped out by trained archers with longbows and specially made arrows by skilled fletchers. Also see Ashala. An Archonian Guard from Kernlow. Served at Drunsberg before becoming a drill sergeant at Archonholm. Became a captain under Gundrul and served in Lady Harlyn's forces. An Amayan warrior. She fought at the first Battle of Roth's Doom. Captured and turned to the Ul-dalak. Killed by Eryn, Arijan and Calestri outside Omstrad. The southern ward of Harlyn and home to Midwyche, Toryn's village. Once the principal city of Darrow. Destroyed in the wars leading up to Gormadon and still a ruin. Varsil of Talamaris, the Second Realm. She seized power from the Council of Seven following Idraman's imprisonment. The old man who served Uleva as jailer in Wyke Wood. Later discovered he was Dorlan. Archonian Guard killed at Drunsberg. He was the oldest of three brothers from Tamworth in Darrow. See Porek and Lorek. Legendary knight from Dorlgoth who served Draegelan. Fought in the battles against Ormoroth and eventually defeated him at Talaghir. Enslaved by Uluriel and kept as a slave before freed by Nyomae at Roth's Doom. A cave settlement in the ancient Dorlwood. The people rarely leave the woodlands. An ancient wood in Dorn on the edge of the Calern Mountains. An Imaari who rode with Nyomae on the doomed mission to find Sylvena. Fell under the influence of the Ul-dalak at Gormadon and became Uldrak. The northerly ward of Harlyn. The farms on the Dorn Plain, sandwiched between the Calern Mountains to the west and Findale Hills in the east, provide most of the meat for Harlyn. Mountain range north of Calerdorn. The single route through the Dornan Mountains. Also see Tunduska's Gorge. Also known as Drayloks, the Draedalak are believed to have been spawned in mockery of the Three Maidens by the Evil One. Resembling tall hags with barbed hair, they fought in the battles of old, and also brought back briefly by Uluriel to fight at Roth's Doom. The greatest and longest living Archon of the Seven Realms. Along with Dorlan, he drove Ormoroth out of the realms. A deep trench separating the far north from the Seven Realms. Named after the Archon of the time. Eventually breached when Ormoroth brought down the gales from the top of the world and packed the trench with ice. The most northerly fort in the Five Realms situated on the Nordruuk border close to the mouth of the Mawl River. Dorlan's mighty stead who rode with him into all his battles. Died at Talaghir as Ormoroth invoked the Verse of Unmaking. The fort at Draegnor is named in his honor. Marshal of Midwyche, Toryn's home village. A builder of the Archon's Tower at the Caerwal Gate. He, along with the other builders, were thrown into the dungeons as the work was complete. Dravic was in the neighboring cell to Toryn, who later secured his release. Then worked on Kernlow's wooden tower at the gate. The common name for the Draedalak. Captain in the Archonian Guard who assisted Toryn's company to retake the Drunsberg Mines. Large, distended worms spawned by Ormoroth. While slow, they are feared by the guards due to the extremely unpleasant and drawn out death if swallowed by a droog. The deep mines in the north of the Kolossos Mountains. The ores extracted were vital to the Five Realms for forging armor and weapons. A small wood in the north of Dorn. The locals renamed it Wyke Wood following Uleva's occupation. Youngest son of Tombold, injured on the false flag attack at the Caerwal Gate. Fortified port in Darrow at the mouth of the Great Elda River. Amayan warrior and mother of Elodi. Died shortly after giving birth after sustaining injuries in Nordruuk as the Amayans fought to free Tanis from the Ul-dalak. Wide sea off the west coast of the Five Realms. The capital city of Talamaris and the Seven Realms at the height of its power. Daughter of Eleni, an Amayan, and Lord Harlyn. Took on the leadership of Harlyn following the death of her father. Became commander of the forces of the Five Realms to achieve a victory at Roth's Doom. Elorym sword gifted to Draegelan by the Amayans. An ancient and powerful race who inhabited the land many years before the coming of humans. Fought many battles against Ormoroth. Eventually defeated but the Amanach still stand and counter the Angorlith. Blacksmith of Midwyche and friend of Toryn. Joined the Archonian Guard and accompanied Toryn on the mission to find the Amayans, and later fought against the aralaks at Omstrad. Young Imaari who fell at the Battle of Gormadon Plain. Became possessed by the Ul-dalak and named Uleva. Retired Archonian Guard who became a cook at the Drunsberg. Died in the defense of the mines alongside Hamar. Southern ward of Galabrant. Known for its abundance of precious gems. Amayan warrior who found Toryn on the edge of the Foranfae Forest. Took the leadership of their band following the death of Amyra. Fought in many battles over the years, including both at Roth's Doom. An old god from the legends who despised the Three Maidens' creation. The tales tell of his deceit to capture and torment the Maidens, thus forcing them to sing a song to corrupt their creation. He is said to be imprisoned to this day in a vault beneath Caranach. The name for the Nym in Broon. The southern realm of the Five Realms and home to Archonholm. Archonian Guard. Died at the Caerwal Gate when the Ul-dalak raised the dead. Town at the eastern edge of Dorn Plain in the Findale Hills situated by a lake. Large lake bordered by the Findale Hills in Dorn. Imaari who first served under the Archon, Malendra. Became a powerful mage in the Order of Echoes. Fought at Gormadon. Father of Toryn. Formed by the warrior Archon, Malendra, the First Horse are highly skilled riders, sword masters, and archers. The settlement on the coast of Lunn on the Bony Witch's Finger. One of the bleakest places in the realms owing to the bitterly easterly winds coming from the Karajan Sea. The largest forest in the realms. Believed to have been seeded by the Nym to heal the hurt of Gormadon Plain after Nyomae had recited the Verse of Unmaking. One of the Five Realms. Situated on the east of the Kolossos Mountains. River running through Amman to the Karajan Sea at Galant Estuary. Range of hills in the east of Amman. Town in Amman situated on the Galant Estuary. Fortified port on the east coast of Mund. Known as Gildorul of Keld, the legendary knight of Broon was said to have fought alongside Dorlan, but little written history records his exploits. Lord Ormsk holding court at Borrund. The race believed by the Five Realms to have invaded the south. However, with the lifting of the shadow, the Golesh were found to be a deception spread by Uluriel to keep the realms divided. The location of the battle that led to the fall of the Seven Realms. Fought between the might of the Ul-dalak and the Order of Echoes and the Elites of the realms. The mountain that forms the crest of the Kolossos Crown The treacherous ravine that leads to the Crown Stone. The longest river in the Five Realms. Springs from high in the Kolossos Range and dissects Noor and Darrow to meet the sea at Eldamouth. Ruuk warrior involved in the taking of Drunsberg. Toryn holds him responsible for the death of Hamar. Also serves under Uleva at Wyke Wood. The remote settlement at the head of the Wend Gap destroyed by the Ul-dalak. Archonian guard serving in Drunsberg when Toryn and Hamar arrived. Captain in the Archonian Guard. Headed the small company of young guards assigned to Elodi. Continued to serve under Elodi and fought in both battles of Calerdorn and then Roth's Doom. The wine-growing region of Kernlow. Small fishing port in Ormsk. Large bay on the Ormsk coast contained three islands, believed to have been formed when the Karajan Sea rose and flooded much of the region, destroying the city of Borrusk. Settlement situated in woodlands in Amman. Archon who succeeded Malendra. A knight of great skill, he led the armies of the Seven Realms to Gormadon. Killed by the Draedalak. The longest night in winter when it is told the dead can return to visit their loved ones. Retired Archonian Guard who worked on Toryn's family farm. Accompanied Toryn to Greendell. Died with a sword in his hand at Drunsberg. Realm on the west side of the Kolossos Mountains that borders Nordruuk. Capital city of Calerdorn. Experienced Archonian Guard serving in Archonholm. Arrested Toryn on his arrival at Archonholm. Fought alongside Toryn and Odrun when the Ul-dalak raised the dead guards at the Caerwal Gate. The central ward of Farrand. Much of Holm is covered by the Foranfae Forest, but is home to Archonholm, the most fertile plains in the Five Realms, and Abernost, a Seat of Learning. Nyomae when living under the shadow following Gormadon. Name was given to her by Toryn following his rescue from the Uleva and the Ruuk. Helmsman onboard the Celestra. Was previously a fisherman in West Haven, but became captain of the Celestra when Blunden died in a storm as they sailed to Calerdorn. Nasty insect that frequents marshlands. Multiple stings can result in death. Common name in Darrow for a hedgehog. Powerful Imaari who first joined the Order of Echoes under Draegelan. Long-serving Imaari who sealed the Caerwal Pass following the loss at Gormadon. Held prisoner in Elmarand by Uluriel. Amayan warrior who joined with Eryn to fight at the Battle of Gormadon. Mages in the Order of Echoes. Have the ability to enter the Song and access the Verses of individuals. A Varsil of Elmarand at the time Nyomae arrived at the city. Under the influence of the Ul-dalak. Deep bay to the north of Calerdorn. Retired Archonian Guard and friend of Hamar. Was killed by the Ul-dalak in Greendell. Tracker from Galabrant. Accompanied Toryn on the mission to find the Amayans, and also to Drunsberg. A brave and accomplished fighter. Miner at Drunsberg. Captured and taken to Wyke Wood. Took the Archonian Oath along with Toryn. Part of Toryn's company that drove the Ruuk out of Drunsberg. The most powerful warlock. Took little part in the battles against the realms. Rarely leaves Vorkirik where he plots for Ormoroth's return with Uluriel. Young man who worked with Toryn on the family farm in Midwyche. Taken prisoner from Greendell to work in Caranach to build a weapon platform to attack the West Watchtower. Freed by Toryn and his company. Beautiful city of towers on the coast of Emryst on the banks of the River Mir. The sea to the east of the Five Realms. The twin-towered city on the Amman coast and banks of the Vynmar. The seat of the Lord of Broon. A city built of stone on the Lunn coast where the River Kel meets the sea. Realm on the west side of the Kolossos Mountains. The wooden structure commissioned by Lord Kernlow when serving as Steward of Archonholm. Originally planned so he could look into the Lost Realms, the building was abandoned when priority was given to the outer defensive wall of Archonholm. The tower was never completed. Principal city of Perran, a ward of Kernlow. Large flying beast spawned by Ormoroth from the eagle. Mountain bordering Caranach. Principal city of Gwelayn, a ward of Kernlow. Young man who assisted Nyomae escape from the hunters in the Talamaris desert. The huge, towering mountain range that dissects four of the five realms. Believed to have been formed by the old gods to prevent the Evil One bringing down the sky to crush the land. Formation of four mountains at the northern tip of the Kolossos. Pass formed in the days of Draegelan through the Kolossos Mountains to promote trade between the realms. Old general serving the Archon. Died at sea when the Elite's mission to the Lost Realms was sank by Uluriel. The spirit of a servant of the Dark Verses. In this form they can leave their body and possess the mind of another. Moth-like insects that live in woodlands and forests of the warmer regions. Accomplished rider and messenger in Harlyn. She rode to Midwyche to investigate Toryn's heritage. Later crossed Ruuk-occupied to Tunduska to warn Ruan of the fall of Calerdorn. One of the fastest horses in the Five Realms. Was once ridden by Shelan, a tracker who served Harlyn. River on the border of Lunn and Nordruuk. The river is frozen for all but the summer months. Captain of the First Horse. Ancient Lunn fort on the Nordruuk border and Lind River. Damaged by both the Ruuk and extreme weather, remains in a state of disrepair. Name given to the Nym by the people of Darrow. Old lord who assumed the role of Steward of Archonholm following Mordram’s death. Brother of Dorek and Porek who died defending Drunsberg. Took part in the defense of Tunduska with Elodi. Accompanies Toryn on the Amayan mission. Principal city on the south coast of Tamarand. Built in the latter days of Draegelan's reign, its unique tower straddles the River Lor. Large marsh in the north of Lunn. Mainly uninhabited aside from a few settlements on its border. Occasionally freezes over in the coldest winters. Mountain bordering Caranach in the Kolossos Range. The northern ward of Broon that borders Nordruuk. An Amayan warrior who fought at both battles at Roth's Doom. The Archon succeeding Draegelan. She was the first knight to take on the role. She fought alongside Draegelan and Dorlan in the battles with Ormoroth. Settlement on the banks of the Marafan River in Amman. Retired Archonian Guard from Loromar. Became Advisor to the Council of Tamarand before moving to Archonholm and gained the trust of Elodi. Deep bay to the north of Calerdorn. Ancient bridge built in the days of Draegelan across the Mawl River to connect Dorn with Draegnor Fort. Large marshland in the north of Dorn. The roads built in Draegelan's reign have long since been swallowed by the mire and few people willingly cross. Creatures known as Bog Grims are said to live under the mud. Name given to the young girl Elodi found among the charred remains of the people of Dorlgoth who followed Dohl/Dorlan across the Dorn Plain. Meloni was taken back to Calerdorn but injured Sea Mist and remained in the city after its fall. Long, wide stone bridge outside Archonholm that spans the Menon River. Long river said to contain mystical powers. Flows from the southern tip of the Kolossos, through the Foranfae Forest, then across Farrand to the Elessyn Sea at West Haven. Amyra's horse that bore Toryn on her death. She died from her many wounds sustained at Roth's Doom. Village in the ward of Darrow on the River Tam. Toryn's home. Toryn's adoptive mother. Eryn's faithful horse. Messenger from Lunn who brings news of Nordryn's treachery to Archonholm Imaari who served under Sylvena before she went north. Fought at Gormadon, but was possessed by Uluriel when he fell. Assumed role of Archon but under the influence of Uluriel. Warlock who led the attack against Nyomae and the Order in Nordruuk when they searched for Sylvena. Mason from Darrow who answered the call for workers needed in the south. Possessed by a kruul before entering Archonholm, he murdered three guards before the Castellan killed him. Eastern ward of Farrand. Island off the Mund coast in the Karajan Sea. Also known as Plague Isle following the mass exportation of plague sufferers. Island where ships from Bardon's mission washed ashore. Archonian Guard serving at Drunsberg. Captured by the Ruuk and taken to Wyke Wood. Not seen since Elodi took back the wood. Believed to have died while in captivity. Workhorse on Toryn's family farm. Amayan warrior known for her skill with a spear. Joined Eryn before the battle of Roth's Doom. Last known Amayan to kill a warlock before the Age of Shadows. Seat of Learning in the ward of Tamarand. The middle ward of Harlyn. Race living on the Nordruuk border. Skilled, but cruel fighters who take the gold of Ul-dalak to spread fear. Usually fight in small bands to raid farms and villagers. Rarely fight in open battle. Region north of the Five Realms. Consists of mainly frozen plains and mountains. Home to the Ruuk clans. Bardon's controversial successor as Lord Broon. Squat troll-like creatures from north of the Draegelan Trench. Very difficult to kill owing to their thick skin. Hammer is their favored weapon. Carry torches of Cold Fire. Also known as Hammerskulls due to the shape of their heads. Forest in Ormsk known for the hardy trees used for shipbuilding. Was once a large forest joined with the South Forest. Chosen by the aralaks to build their nest. Faery-like spirits from the ancient days. The Nym reside in either the mountains, rivers or woodlands. Powerful Imaari. Discovered by Sylvena/Uluriel and taken to Elmarand in the last days of Draegelan. Studied the earliest known parts of the Song. Led the fated mission to locate Sylvena. Invoked the Verse of Unmaking at Gormadon. Lived as a nomad in the Age of Shadows before rescuing Toryn and recovering her memory to serve the Five Realms once more. Old Archonian Guard serving in Archonholm in his later years. Was one of the guards who arrested Toryn on his arrival at Archonholm. Died in the Caerwal Pass when the Ul-dalak raised the dead from the guards crushed by the Archon's betrayal at the gate. Logging town on the edge of the South Forest in Ormsk. Successfully defended by the realms against a mass aralak attack. The name given to a horse loaned to Nyomae. The dark lord served by the Ul-dalak. Little is known of his origins but believed to have been a spirit corrupted by the Evil One and give form in the mortal lands. The southern ward of Broon. Logging town in the middle of the South Forest. Guards under the command of the Castellan in the Citadel at Archonholm. Responsible for the safety of the Archon. Member of Council of Harlyn. Northern ward of Kernlow. Range of hills in the center of Perran, ward of Kernlow. The young Nyomae's pet cat. Archonian Guards taking the Oath at the start of their service are promised a farm in the other world if they die with their swords in their hands. Archonian Guard killed at Drunsberg. He was the second oldest of three brothers from Tamworth in Darrow. See Dorek and Lorek. Settlement in Lunn situation on the Great Northeast Road on the Lunn southern border. Range of hills in Mund between the Foranfae Forest and the coast. Tall creature of the Underworld. Can be summoned only by those with great power to instill dread in their foes. Old town on the coast of Perran. Once famed for its soldiers of the Phalanxes of Rhydor. But town fell into decline in the wars leading up to Gormadon. River running through Lunn to meet the sea at Keld. Formed the front when the Ruuk occupied Lunn under Nordryn. Formed by the water from the Mawlgrim Mire. Runs into Mawl Bay in the north of Dorn. River from the Kolossos Mountains that flows through Darrow to Tamforth on the coast. Runs through Toryn's village of Midwyche. Flows from the Kolossos Mountains through the Wend Gap and Noor to the coast at Seransea. Large worm-like creature from the old days. Origins uncertain, but exploited by Ormoroth to tunnel beneath the Kolossos Mountains. No longer thought to exist in the Five Realms. Archonian Guard serving at Drunsberg. Captured and taken to Wyke Wood. Escaped and continued his service, fighting at Roth's Doom. Deep crevasse in Ormsk close to the Kolossos Pass. Legends tell it was formed when Ormoroth tried to free the Evil One from the vaults beneath Caranach. But his giant axe shattered and injured Ormoroth. But few believe this to be true. Retired Archonian Guard chosen by Bardon to train and lead the renowned Broon Spearman. Went to the aid of Calerdorn and served in every major battle since. Instrumental in defeating the Ul-dalak's right flank at Roth's Doom. The race living in Nordruuk. Consists of many clans who often are in conflict with each over. United by the Ul-dalak to form a formidable force to first mount raids in the Five Realms, and then head a full invasion. City on the east coast of Emryst. Considered one of the most beautiful cities in the Seven Realms. Built with the wealth from the jewels mined in the region. Birthplace of Finromir, Toryn's father. Elodi's faithful horse. Small fishing village on the coast of Tamarand. Birthplace of Mordram. Mason from Darrow who accompanied Muldrin to Archonholm. Assisted Elodi to discover what had happened to Muldrin who murdered three guards. River in Noor that is joined by the River Wend before meeting the sea at the port of Seransea. Ancient port, older than Calerdorn, in Noor. Elodi fled to the town when evacuating Calerdorn. Became new seat of the Council of Harlyn. Warlock who led Ormoroth's armies in the wars against the Elorym. Scout who tracked Uldrak's army coming through the Dornan Mountains. Captured and beheaded on the Dorn Plain as Uleva and Uldrak led the second attack on Calerdorn. Also see Lightning. Sheep dog of a family killed by the Nordleng in Cafra. Joined Toryn and his company and saved him from an aralak at Borrund. Also accompanied Toryn to Roth's Doom. Warlock whose Kruul infiltrated Archonholm to possess the Castellan and tempted Elodi in the Great Hall. Fought alongside Ormoroth and sailed with his master to lands beyond the Karajan Sea. Creature from the old world. Three times the height of a man, their weapon is a dreadful shriek than can rip limb from limb. Can be brought through the Song to present day by a powerful Ul-dalak. Originally hardy people of the north who stood against Ormoroth. He punished them through torture, then turned them into bone-eating creatures who roam the frozen lands. A favored weapon of fear by the Ul-dalak. Also known as the Amanach. These stones were set by the Elorym to channel the power from the Amanspring, the river deep beneath the Kolossos. Large butterfly with delicate wings that glisten like stars at night. They live for just a few days in summer. Quite rare, preferring the shelter of old woodlands. Situated in Ormsk, known for its hardy wood used for shipbuilding. Location of an Amanach. The Imaari who discovered Nyomae and brought her into the Order of Echoes. But she was Uluriel of the Ul-dalak, deceiving Nyomae and the Order. Returned to the north, leading the Order to believe she was lost. The mission to rescue her was ambushed, and the Seven Realms had no choice but to commit its full strength to meet the new threat. Following the defeat at Gormadon, Uluriel possessed Mordram and assumed the role of Archon. Mysterious Elorym Lake Tower in the east of Mund. No mortal can enter. The Order of Echoes believe the Elorym raised them to channel the power beneath the land. Also known as Talaghir Plain. A frozen region north of the Draegelan Trench in Nordruuk. The site of Ormoroth's last battle as Dorlan at the height of his powers. It was said Ormoroth invoked the Verse of Unmaking in the face of defeat. The Second Realm south of the Caerwal Mountains. Its name means Land of the Sun in the old tongue. City within a wide, tall tower on the banks of the Vynmar in Emryst. Western ward of Farrand. Known for its wheat and barley fields, rolling hills and rivers. Small fishing port at the mouth of the River Tam in Darrow. Elorym Lake Tower standing east of the Kolossos Mountains in Emryst. Believed to have been built by the Elorym race to channel the powers beneath the land. The tower was visited by Draegelan and latterly Nyomae to solve the mystery of Aber's Verse. Horse of the rider, Lena. One of the fastest horses in Harlyn. Name given to the two realms south of the Caerwal Mountains. Said to be 'lost' after the closing of the Caerwal Gate when the people to the north believed the south had been invaded by the Golesh. The daughters of the gods who came to the mortal lands believing their fathers had created a paradise for them. Disappointed to see the chaotic state of the land, the Maidens took it upon themselves to sing the Song of Creation. Deceived and tormented by the Evil One before the gods returned and imprisoned him. Ashamed by their defilement, the Maidens hid beneath the ice in the north. Retired Archonian Guard and friend of Hamar. Served as an aide to both Lord Harlyn and Elodi in Archonholm. The Castellan banished him from Archonholm on hearing he had spoken to Elodi about his doubts of the account of Lord Harlyn's death. Returned to his vineyard in Gwelayn. Small settlement on the Keld Road and banks of the River Kel. Became of strategic importance when the Five Realms initially held the south bank of the Kel against the marauding Ruuk. Son of the Imaari, Finromir. Taken by his father to Midwyche when fleeing from the Ul-dalak. Brought up by Andryn and Miriam on the family farm. Headed north with Hamar when his family believed he would be persecuted as a wyke if he went to Archonholm and join the Archonian Guard. Deep ravine in the Dornan Mountains said to have been formed by the giant axe of Tunduska, the Old God of the North. The servants of the Dark Verses. Commander of the Ul-dalak. Took the Drunsberg Mines from the Five Realms. Later led the two attacks on Calerdorn, taking control of the city on the second strike with Uleva. He was once an Imaari - see Dormarl. Commander of the Ul-dalak. Resided in Wyke Wood, formerly known as Durran Wood, was also known as the Lady of the Wood. Took control over Dorlan (as Dohl), and kept him in his crippled state until the Ul-dalak were ready to unleash their forces against the Five Realms. Killed by Dorlan at the Battle of Roth's Doom. Fell under the influence of Ormoroth overseas. Returned to the Seven Realms and took on the guise of Sylvena to be invested into the Order of Echoes. Quickly rose to become the head of the Order and deceive the Imaari into committing all their strength to save her, and thus divided the Seven Realms. A port on the east coast of Talamaris, the Second Realm. Part of the Song that is the antithesis of the Maidens' Song of Creation. Believed to have been planted by the Evil One. Woman who served under Mordram as Archon. Unaware he was under the influence of Uluriel, she became afraid of him and failed to question his authority. She jumped from the Caerwal Bridge to her death on learning of the Archon's treacherous act at the gate. Town at the center of Gwelayn, the wine-growing region of Kernlow. Once an Elorym warrior captured and corrupted by Ormoroth. As a warlock, he fought in many battles in Draegelan's day, including Talaghir. In recent times, he captured and killed the Amayan, Amyra, in the tunnels beneath the Kolossos. Ormoroth's ice fortress in the far north. Built on the top of a hollowed mountain, its single tower stands taller than any other structure in the known world. From here, Ormoroth mined deep in the roots of the land and forged the Angorlith. Ormoroth's mountain fortress in the south in the ward of Amman. Fashioned out of the mountains, Vortimo was considered impregnable until Draegelan led a large host to eventually wrest it from Ormoroth. Many died, and to this day, the spirits of the fallen are believed to haunt its halls. Small settlement on the Great Northeast Road. Has the misfortune to be close to the cursed valley that leads to Vortimo. Both Toryn and Elodi took shelter in the village on their missions north. River running the width of Emryst out the Karrock on the coast. Known as 'The Vynmar' it means winding river in the old tongue of the region. Captain at the East Watchtower at the Kolossos Pass. Held out against an aralak attack to keep the pass open. Ormoroth's commanders. Once great Elorym warriors, they were captured and turned to the Dark Verses Fast and loyal horse ridden by Amyndra. Spirits who exist only in the Song. Believed to be a creation of Ormoroth to watch over those entering the Verses. Ravine running from Greendell to the Noor flats. Toryn and Hamar took the route on the way to Greendell. Harlyn's Chief Advisor serving under both Lord Harlyn and Elodi. Saved the vital information on the secret entrance to Calerdorn when the city fell. Died onboard the Celestra at Seransea. Port in Tamarand at the mouth of the Menon River. The common term for the Imaari. In the Age of Shadows following the battle at Gormadon Plain, they were believed to be mischievous wizards and witches. Also known as Durran Wood. Locals named it Wyke Wood after Uleva inhabited the woodlands and built a dark tower. |